Kyle Gracey
Comments Off on Kyle GraceyInterdisciplinary researcher, communicator and manager, with a history of entrepreneurship. I have held positions in multiple parts of the U.S. government (including White House), nonprofits (policy analysis, management, fundraising, campaigning) and private companies (management, consulting, sales, technical analysis). My work broadly focuses on international and domestic sustainability, including climate change, energy, policy and technology. I am experienced in quantitative analysis, project and personnel management and working with senior corporate, U.S. government and United Nations officials. I have a strong set of technology skills and learn foreign & computer languages quickly. I am a seasoned communicator, with experience in speechwriting, media relations, copyediting, public speaking and public writing. I have substantial volunteer experience on nonprofit boards of directors and political campaigns.
I seek challenging opportunities in companies, nonprofits, government and politics to help create a more just and sustainable world.