Together we determine how Pittsburgh meets the world. The BurghMeetsWorld event series is a forum that honors your voice within the story of how Pittsburgh meets the world. Through regular public events, BurghMeetsWorld is an outlet for shaping how Pittsburgh connects with the rest of the world.

BurghMeetsWorld | The Global Switchboard | Hub


Together we determine how Pittsburgh meets the world.

The BurghMeetsWorld event series is a forum that honors your voice within the story of how Pittsburgh meets the world. Through regular public events, BurghMeetsWorld is an outlet for shaping how Pittsburgh connects with the rest of the world.

Who is the vaccine for?

This April we ask, “Who is the vaccine for?” Through interactive dialogue with community leaders, we will learn about the current obstacles of vaccine distribution and education in Pittsburgh such as language access, vaccine gentrification, and medical mistrust. We will challenge ourselves to go beyond meeting the immediate needs of community health and vaccination by engaging with the systems, identities, and narratives that shape these obstacles. Together we will explore how these conversations connect to broader global discussions around global vaccine inequity and resource distribution.

Burgh Meets World Event Logo
Notes from April 2021 BurghMeetsWorld Event: Who is the vaccine for?

Full Notes from our April BurghMeetsWorld Event: Who is the vaccine for?

How do we center equity in global learning?

COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges for global learning and has accentuated the ways in which global learning intersects with systemic racial, social, and economic inequities. Yet at the same time, these challenges present us an opportunity to fundamentally rethink global learning. At this BurghMeetsWorld, we had conversations to reimagine a more equitable and accessible approach to global learning and education.

Notes from July 2020 BurghMeetsWorld Event: How do we center equity in global learning?

Full Notes from our July BurghMeetsWorld Event: How Do We Center Equity in Global Learning?


What does it mean to be home?

For this BurghMeetsWorld event, we asked attendees from all around Pittsburgh, "What does it mean to be home?" Together, we explored larger global conversations around housing, movement, and belonging before using those revelations to assess our current housing realities in the Pittsburgh region.

Notes from January 2020 BurghMeetsWorld Event: What does it mean to be home?

Full notes from our January BurghMeetsWorld event: What does it mean to be home?

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Event Photos

Photos taken at our January 2020 BurghMeetsWorld event

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What do we do with fear?

The Global Switchboard hosted a community forum to examine how the pervasive “fear of others” is impacting us on a global, local, and personal scale. Here you will find links to stories shared by Pittsburgh community members, as well as notes on the their ideas for and commitments to addressing our collective concerns.

BurghMeetsWorld: What do we do with fear?
BurghMeetsWorld: What do we do with fear?

How does the pervasive “fear of others” impact us on a global, local, and personal scale?

Meeting Notes Picture
"BurghMeetsWorld: What do we do with fear?" Meeting Notes

Data recording of post-it notes submitted during an event that explored how the pervasive “fear of others” is impacting us on a global, local, and personal scale

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Event Photos

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Whose Intelligence is it anyway?

Artificial intelligence is human-made technology that is meant to serve all humans around the world. With the vast diversity of experiences that we all bring, we must ensure that AI is designed with all of us in mind.

Whose Intelligence is it anyway?
BurghMeetsWorld: Whose Intelligence is it anyway?

Artificial intelligence impacts us all. Let's make sure it's designed for all too.