Immigrant Services and Connections (ISAC)
Contact Information
Connecting Refugees and Immigrants to Services
Immigrant Services and Connections (ISAC) supports and assists service providers working with immigrants and refugees in Allegheny County. ISAC also offers several different training courses in cultural competency, immigrants/refugees in our region, refugee resettlement basics, language access and working with limited English speakers.
ISAC is a six-agency partnership headed by Jewish Family & Community Services, and all agencies are experts in serving the growing immigrant community. Partners include Casa San Jose, a program of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council (GPLC), Latino Family Center of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Northern Area Multi-Service Center (NAMSC), and South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM).
ISAC is funded by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services.
Jewish Family & Community Services of Pittsburgh
Casa San Jose
South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM)
Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council
AIU Latino Family Center