
Day of Action: Governor Wolf #ShutDownBerks! | Wed July 15, 2020

calendar link icon  Wed July 15, 2020
Start: 9:00 am

Call Governor Wolf and demand he take action to protect immigrant families.

Governor Tom Wolf (717-787-2500)
Lt. Gov. Fetterman (717) 787-3300
PA DHS Secretary Miller (717-787-2600)

Governor Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services have the power to issue an Emergency Removal Order on the Berks County Detention Center, an action that would ensure the facility can no longer be used as a prison. It is not only their moral obligation to keep families out of jail but their legal responsibility. FAMILY DETENTION IS BREAKING STATE LAW.

Here’s the legal research of why the state must issue an Emergency Removal Order:

For materials and talking points:


Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC)

Advocating for Immigrants, Migrants, and Refugees

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