Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh

Intergenerational coalition, making Pittsburgh a place all ages thrive
Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh brings people of all ages together to rethink how our neighborhoods are built and to take action to make them more inclusive and respectful of every generation. From the laws that impact building codes to the training we need to secure the jobs we want to how we’re treated on the bus, there is work to do as our region’s age demographics shift and we’re presented with a new opportunity. In the next two decades, the number of residents ages 65 and older will increase by 40 percent in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Meeting the needs of an older population certainly comes with challenges, but as more of our residents live longer lives, it means our region has a new, growing resource—people with buying power, career expertise, lived experience, and diverse skills and interests. The time is now to tap into this resource by coming together and ensuring continued opportunities for all. In September 2015, thanks to work by SWPPA members and partners, Pittsburgh and Allegheny County joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, kicking off a five-year planning, implementation and evaluation cycle. Our AARP network is part of the World Health Organization’s international initiative.
Change Agency
Program staff lead

Southwestern Pennsylvania Partnership for Aging
Lead project grantee