
Racialized Police Violence in Global Perspective: Discussion on Policing in the USA | Wed July 29, 2020

calendar link icon  Wed July 29, 2020
Start: 4:00 pm End: 5:30 pm

Together with our friends at the Pitt Global Hub, we are excited to bring students, faculty and staff a virtual discussion every Wednesday in July that will give participants an opportunity to think about the most recent wave of brutal police violence in the U.S. through a global lens.
The goal is to have participants be able to explain how racialized and militarized policing in the USA shape and are shaped by historical and contemporary global connections and processes. Participants will do up to an hour of reading, viewing, or listening in advance of each conversation; there will be no structured presentations.


Pitt University Center for International Studies (UCIS)

Connecting Pitt to the world and the world to Pitt

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