
Project Pipeline Architecture Camp 2018 | Sat July 7, 2018

Project pipeline
calendar link icon  Sat July 7, 2018 — Sun July 8, 2018
Start: 9:00 am End: 3:00 pm
There is a registration fee of $45.00. Includes lunch, snacks, supplies, and a t-shirt.

The Shop

An interactive STEM program for 6th through 9th grade students!

Project Pipeline serves to increase the number of underrepresented minorities pursuing careers in architecture. This year is the first year the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) will host the Project Pipeline Camp.

There are three main aspects that this camp will teach through various hands-on activities: design, model/structure building, and community issues.

NOMA encourages students to join them for this highly interactive camp!


The National Organization of Minority Architects

Working to champion diversity within the design profession

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