BurghMeetsWorld | Tue July 28, 2020
Join us for a conversation to reimagine a more equitable and accessible approach to global learning and education.
COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges for global learning, and has accentuated the ways in which global learning intersects with systemic racial, social, and economic inequities. At the same time, these challenges present us an opportunity to fundamentally rethink global learning. Travel restrictions have revealed a need to shift away from an approach to global learning centered on international mobility, which remains an exclusive and privileged experience. The transition to virtual learning has underscored the need for innovative solutions to overcome digital divide and existing economic inequities. The intensification of racism and xenophobia, illustrated by ICE’s recent policy against international students, is a wake up call that global learning needs to actively incorporate anti-racism.
This participatory and interactive event will create space for participants to share their experiences, learn from each other, and identify concrete action steps.
RSVP Required. Register on Eventbrite to receive Zoom link.
BurghMeetsWorld events explore the global dimensions of issues that impact Pittsburgh the most. Together we decide how Pittsburgh meets the world.