The Global Switchboard Hub categorizes people, projects, and organizations according to their contributions toward one or more of the following goals for our region. Review the list below and select the most suitable categories for your work, check as many as you like!
1. Promote broad celebration of cultural diversity and exchange.
2. Ensure equitable access to global education opportunities.
3. Achieve full inclusion of the region's immigrant and refugee community.
4. Support ethical, responsible, and inclusive innovation and entrepreneurship.
5. Build awareness for world-wide health and well-being.
For a person, add a photo of that person; for an organization or project, up an image of the organization's logo, or something else to represent the organization.
Upload a picture in landscape format (4:3 aspect ratio). This will be public on the internet. (Up to 10MB in size, PNG, JPEG format). The image should be in an RGB format.
Enter person's title e.g. "Director of Global Outreach"
Enter the name of the organization with which this person works, e.g. "City of Pittsburgh"
Write something short, pithy, and compelling to describe this person, organization, or project. This should be *different* than the content in the biography or description, as it will appear right alongside it, and you don't want people to get bored, do you? Here are some sample summary statements to serve as your inspiration: "Master chef, taco eater, global citizen" "Spreadsheet samurai, geography buff, taco annihilator" "Startup founder, innovation professor, eater of mexican foods"
This phone number will display publicly on the internet. If you'd rather not have it listed, please skip this question.
Insert text which you wish to display for the URL.
Submitted address from record created by user on front end.
Current Resident Member
Member: any person, organization or project with a completed profile on the The Global Switchboard Hub
Member Plus: See cost benefits for member plus here (link that takes you to membership landing page, pop-up/ preview window if possible, or new tab)
Select cost level based on your organization’s annual operating budget:
Individual (not associated with an organization):
• $50
• Less than $249k: $100/ year
• $250k - $999k: $150/ year
• $1M - $4.9M: $200/ year
• $5M - $9.9M: $500/ year
• More than $10M: $1,000/ year
Please provide the first and last name of the person submitting this entry.
Please provide a phone number so we can reach you if we have questions about your submission.