Policy Hearing with Front-Line Essential Workers | Tue April 28, 2020

Please join Senators Lisa M. Boscola, Lindsey M. Williams, and Pam Iovino for a Joint Democratic Policy Hearing with Front-Line Essential Workers on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. To sign up for the event, please register at http://www.senatorlindseywilliams.com/subscribe/.
This hearing will take place on Workers Memorial Day, which is the annual day of remembrance for workers killed or injured on the job and a day for renewing the fight for strong safety and health protections for all workers.
The hearing will include representatives from the first responder community, including physicians, healthcare workers, EMS, and firefighters, and from the non-medical essential worker community, including letter carriers, grocery workers, and the building trades.