
JFCS 4th Annual Refugee and Immigrant Job Fair | Thu May 3, 2018

Refugee and Immigrant Job Fair
calendar link icon  Thu May 3, 2018
Start: 9:00 am End: 12:00 pm

Omni William Penn Hotel

Bring your Resume, Meet Employers and Explore Opportunities!

This job fair is tailored to refugee and immigrant jobseekers. It is appropriate for those with legal status to work in the United States, who have at least a minimum of conversational English, through those with professional skills and higher education.

At the career fair, immigrant jobseekers will receive assistance from on-site staff to help explain how job fairs work in the United States, as well as to give advice on how to present to prospective employers.


Jewish Family & Community Services of Pittsburgh

Legal services, naturalization assistance, and resettlement services

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