
A New Korean War? | Sun February 18, 2018

A New Korean War Event
calendar link icon  Sun February 18, 2018
Start: 2:00 pm End: 4:00 pm

Church of the Redeemer

Is the world on the brink of nuclear war on the Korean peninsula?

Tensions are heating up over North Korea’s nuclear program, intensified by an exchange of insults between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Will the conflict between the two countries result in war?

A distinguished panel will examine the crisis. Among several questions to be considered: Why does North Korea want nuclear weapons? For aggression? Or for self-defense? Do South Koreans regard a nuclearized North as an existential threat or something they can live with?

Moderator: Ambassador Dan Simpson

Elise Antel, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University
Dr. Ryan Grauer, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Syeung-Hwan Shin, Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, the University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Samuel Stanton Jr, Asociate Professor of Political Science, Grove City College

This event is free and open to all.